A Poem of Conemplation
/"Will I, will I, will I be able to walk?" she wonders.
Or will I, will I, will I lose that in the future?
I'm Mary Joan Cunningham and I created Thrive with MS. I started this site to share my journey and encourage others in transforming fear into empowerment surrounding any new health reality.
Diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2014, I embrace both conventional medicine and complementary therapies. I'm on a journey, figuring things out, just like you. I've given myself this space to be candid and real. And if that can help others, yay.
I share resources and insights here to serve anyone facing a scary diagnosis.
We got this.
If you’re here for the first time, I suggest reading from the beginning (click here) but —hey, by all means — you do you and read however you want!
>>> And, if you’re looking for new content, click here for Mary’s new newsletter: Fierce Resilience. <<<
"Will I, will I, will I be able to walk?" she wonders.
Or will I, will I, will I lose that in the future?
I am planning to move to Austin. Finally.
And in these months of preparation the plan has changed from what I thought I would be.
I think that’s called life.
Click for more…
Since my diagnosis I've lived with my parents.
On a farm….In the Middle of Nowhere, TX.
The closest Starbucks is 45 minutes away. My favorite -- Whole Foods -- is an hour's distance.
It's been an interesting internal process deciding where the next move will be. Because, really, it could be anywhere.
Click to read more.
Read MoreA very nice and concerned reader reached out to me a few months ago to ask how I was and wanted to make sure that the lack of posts wasn’t because i was sick.
I wrote him back but it also seems like a fair topic to mention on the blog that I haven’t blogged on for quite some time.
The shortest answer is...
Read MoreA short film about a love affair with New York City, and the diagnosis that took me away.
Read MoreI love stories of people rocking this diagnosis. Here's one for ya!
Joy. Boy, that's a loaded word. AmIRight?
With that one syllable you may envision a powder puff fairy who has said something beyond enraging. Leaving you infuriated.
Maybe some of us have a reaction to this word because we have a hard time envisioning (this enraging) Joy in our lives.
(Keep reading to see what would be a totally embarrassing video. That is, if I had any shame.)
Read MoreThis 3-part intimate look at how I handled the first hot day of summer.
I discover fears. (@1:55)
I share insights.
I am walking around a hotel in my pjs with my retainer on (@ 0:46).
This video above isn't about MS. It's about never giving up on yourself. Ever.
Read MoreThis week's video is a conversation with documentarian Sharad Kharé. Sharad has interviewed Meryl Streep, Helen Mirren, Susan Sarandon and MANY others, all true luminaries. ...and now, me! I was beyond humbled and grateful to have had some time to chat about the inspiration for Thrive with MS, and ....
Read MoreTheMighty.com asked me to write a note to a friend having a tough mental health day. Here's that post PLUS what I didn't include - my really truly frank opinions on how we can regain our brain health. Know this - it is absolutely possible to feel better. Read on and let me know your thoughts!
Read MoreWhether freshly committed to making meaningful change in this new year or working through the challenges of a new health reality, do not underestimate the transformative power of a little thing called Joy.
Though if you’re like me, you might overestimate the energy needed to usher it into your life. It’s not hard, it just takes a little intention. Here’s what I mean...
Read MoreSo thankful for this wonderful group of ladies, Women Rising and Glamour.com. Check our our beauty talk, both inner and outer.
Read MoreHello dear friend-of-Thrive with MS.
You have no idea what your support means to me.
I was reading the MS Society's blog this week, and was struck by the stories and comments...
Travel throws a whole lot at'cha all at once, especially if you eat a particular diet or need a certain amount of rest each night.
Here's the video recap of how I made it work!
Read MoreEver worry that traveling will be too stressful because of a new diagnosis. Here's how I'm prepping to Thrive in Paris
Read MorePeople wonder about what I can and can't do since my diagnosis. Here are those answers and the how-tos to get thriving.
Read MoreClearing out emotional waste: Why is it important? Because as I experienced this week, if I don't clear out thoughts and feelings, my body pays the price. And yours does too, am I right?
Read MoreWhat are the best food choices for someone wanting to upgrade their diet, Paleo or otherwise? Read more...
To create an intention is to clarify what you want to achieve: in a yoga class, a day, a lifetime. This act is deceptively simple but deeply powerful. More...
Don't get confused with food "rules" - check out this list that keeps the focus on good health. Read on...
I want you to know how special you are.
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