Clearing Out Emotional Waste
/I'm excited about a few things.
First, I'm SUUUUPER jazzed about this article in The Atlantic that my bro sent me. ...All about Integrative Medicine and how its beginnings and misconceptions as a more "Alternative" form of health care are falling away, as medical researchers are finding hard, quantifiable, scientific results that support whole-body approaches (like meditation, yoga, acupuncture) as very real ways to treat pain and chronic disease.
For more, I heartily suggest reading "The Evolution of Alternative Medicine."
My favorite bit:
“There’s a five-year study on Transcendental Meditation that’s well controlled and shows a 48 percent reduction for heart attack, stroke, and sudden death. To me that’s medicine. Meditation is medicine.”
And on that note, my video this week is about the very real effects of emotions on physical health. I had a really interesting experience this week with holding in emotional energy, and I could feel it affect my leg. More details in the video.
The most helpful part of this--for anyone, not just those of us with chronic disease--is the concept of Detachment.
In the video I explain it in terms of the way that I orient my life, and my approach to healing.
I want to do whatever is in my power now, so that I set myself up for the best result in the future.
It involves taking personal responsibility,
and showing up for myself e v e r y d a y.
As much as it does knowing when to let go, have faith,
and trust that the future will be even better than I ever imagined.
More on all that in the video above (click the image).
Love, hugs, and powerful healing~