Inspirational Stories: So you think you can dance...with MS? YES!
/I love stories of people rocking this diagnosis. Here's one for ya!
I'm Mary Joan Cunningham and I created Thrive with MS. I started this site to share my journey and encourage others in transforming fear into empowerment surrounding any new health reality.
Diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2014, I embrace both conventional medicine and complementary therapies. I'm on a journey, figuring things out, just like you. I've given myself this space to be candid and real. And if that can help others, yay.
I share resources and insights here to serve anyone facing a scary diagnosis.
We got this.
If you’re here for the first time, I suggest reading from the beginning (click here) but —hey, by all means — you do you and read however you want!
>>> And, if you’re looking for new content, click here for Mary’s new newsletter: Fierce Resilience. <<<
I love stories of people rocking this diagnosis. Here's one for ya!