Align Mind+Body+Spirit to thrive. 


Power Hour

Like Dial-a-Friend, if your friend happens to be a Kundalini healing therapy trained meditation guide who created a protocol for slaying fear. 

We get into whatever is weighing you down, quickly. 

This could be a quick pick-me-up to hash through a pressing decision or wall of anxiety. Or maybe you just need a reset if stress and anxiety are building up.

60-minute Power Call: $75

Rock Your Mind+Body+Spirit: Six Week Series

Over the course of six weekly sessions we work with Mind+Body+Spirit.


First, the mind.  Which can house an inordinate number of wacky concerns ranging from somewhat rational, to full-on freak out. (I speak from my personal experience with a lot of anxiety here.) So we start by identifying, untangling, and releasing/slaying/vaporizing those fears. Right now they are likely blocking you from A) joy, B) rational thought, C) enjoying the present moment, or D) all of the above. 

We work through clearing fear/anxiety/worry in all places that it hides in daily life.  

We cut negative associations with your diagnosis. 

The fears can teach valuable lessons, but once you have that learning, it's time to clear out the heavy energy, which will leave you feeling reinvigorated in your days.  Not only will you learn how to work with old worries, you can become a master at techniques that will stop new anxiety in its tracks; anytime, anywhere. 


Do you know what you "should" do, but you just haven't been able to put it into practice yet? 

Or maybe you're comfortable with your MS medical treatment plan, but want to double up on positive lifestyle adjustments to encourage healing in as many ways possible.   

We explore lifestyle habits that encourage optimal heath, and those that might be blocking healing.  

Together to create an implementation plan that will support positive habits to flourish in your real-life busy world.


Here we get to the fun stuff. 

This is where we access your inner guide and highest self.  Seriously. 

This is not hard to do, but if fear is still running around, you can't connect with your intuitive center.  

And if you've never been guided to access this high-level energy, it may seem distant or non-existent.  

It is one of my greatest joys to support and guide others through this transformative process.

Let's make good use of my experience as a meditation guide to connect you with amazing, high-level energy within.  And then we work on ways to make sure it keeps shining in your everyday life.  

Rock Your Mind+Body+Spirit 6 Week Series: $360

(If after the first Power Hour call you decide that you want to work together in a Rock Your Mind+Body+Spirit Series, the cost will be deducted from the series cost.) 


Interested in working together?

Let me know if you want to talk!
xo Mary

Why work with me?

If any of these feel remotely familiar, I would like to help you get onto a path that feels better.

  • You're frustrated and feel like "this diagnosis sucks."
  • You're mad at genes, God, chance, Fate or whatever force allowed this to happen to you. 
  • Deep down you feel that there was something you could have done better or "gotten right" that couple have prevented this diagnosis.  And you blame yourself for not being perfect enough to prevent it.  
  • You are searching for meaning in this diagnosis, but don't yet feel resolved or satisfied.  
  • You work every day to be positive and to live in gratitude, but really you just end up being exhausted. (And a little sad.)
  • Your symptoms are manageable or fairly non-existent right now (yay!), so you don't have to think about your diagnosis too much day-to-day. But you feel yourself planning for a future you don't want - whether it be buying a 1-story home, or assuming you won't travel because you assume a wheelchair will be somewhere in the picture.  
  • You think that talking about your concerns will give the diagnosis too much emotional weight and power, so you don't. But insomnia or panic attacks come to you from time to time. Maybe they seemingly have no relation to MS. But it feels somewhat impossible to manage all the concerns (money, life, friends, family, work) that flow through your mind during the day.  
  • Because even his or her best, your therapist/doctor/ support network doesn't have MS and doesn't know what you're really going through. 

If you have thought or felt any of the above, I want you to know that we can feel better every day.  We can move from wherever we are now and get to an even better state.  

I will be extremely candid. There are days when I just feel sad. Or exhausted. Or sensitive. 

And these were not things I felt before my diagnosis.  

But I also know how to step outside of those feelings. To continue even more to shift any perception I have around this disease.  

And now I feel in control of my health, this dis-ease, and my life.  

I dream of helping more people thrive through any diagnosis.

Working with the mind, body and spirit creates a integrative health network in your own body. It helps maximize the effects of other health protocols- whether that's the effects of conventional medications, or diet and exercise.  

Our body, mind and soul is not segmented into individual territories- it'sa whole organism that thrives most and best when tended to in various and varied ways.  

This holistic, whole-body approach coaches you through the basics that seem elusive or haven't been prioritized in your very busy life.  Together we can uncover what stories are lurking that no longer serve your highest ability to heal. 

I am not a medical professional, I'm a trained meditation guide and spiritual coach. I do not prescribe a course of healing. I help you find what's right for you... for your unique circumstances. 

But I am adamant that until we clear our scary, slimy, marauding fears, we aren't able to fully understand with what we want and need.  

Managing our own health needs can be exhausting. It can feel like a burden, especially if you're trying to balance your health care with work, family friends and life.  

And you have f*ing MS, so it's all exhausting!

Let's do this together.  

I make no representations of feeling like queen of the world every day, but I sure as hell have an amazing life, one filled with joy. And if I ever get out of whack, I have the tools to get myself back into a positive place again. And quickly. 

How did I get here? 

Years ago I battled massive anxiety. And the pain that I was living in led me to create a fear-vaporizing/ higher-self harmonizing protocol. I got myself out from the suffocating anxiety (and off the Xanax). 

And when my MS diagnosis came in March 2014, I was ready.  I used the tools--ones I'd taught my meditation students back in NYC--on myself in what would have could have been my darkest moment.  

But it wasn't.  My diagnosis became a teaching tool for me.  I shifted my perception around those two scary initials, from fear to love.  

Love- if not for the diagnosis itself, then certainly for myself.  

And now it's my mission to help others do the same. 

Maybe you don't want to "love" your diagnosis. That's fair.  But we can sure as hell make certain that you thrive every step of the way. 

xx Mary


We would be great working together, if: 

Your greatest wish is to feel in control of your diagnosis.

You want to make empowered decisions from a place of clarity.

You want to proactively participate in your healing.  

You want a guide and coach in integrating various heath opportunities. 


We should definitely not work together if:

You don't want to try meditation or any mindfulness exercises. 

You don't believe the body has an ability to heal. 

The idea of clearing out your fears is not at all exciting or compelling.